Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput rose to fame after his portrayal of Manav in the household drama, Pavitra Rishta, which aired from 2009 to 2014. Sushant, along with co-star Ankita Lokhande, became a household name for their onscreen chemistry and a year after his untimely demise, the makers have roped in Shaheer Sheikh to play the character of Manav in Pavitra Rishta 2.
After the alleged suicide of Sushant Singh Rajput, rumours were rife that the makers of Pavitra Rishta were working on a reboot and early this year, a pre-production stage went underway. It was earlier confirmed that Ankita Lokhande has been approached to reprise her character of Archana. However, Hiten Tejwani, who played Manav after Sushant’s exit from the show, is not coming back to play the lead.
According to the latest report, renowned television actor Shaheer Sheikh has been roped in to play Manav in the second run of Pavitra Rishta. The show also marked 12 years early this month and fans have been eagerly waiting for the reboot in the making.
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