Shah Rukh Khan has been on a break for quite some time and announced that he hasn’t signed any upcoming movie project so far. While the actor is enjoying vacations with his family, the report has it that Shah Rukh Khan has started reading movie scripts that come his way and he is in talks with Sajid Nadiadwala for the massy entertainer LOL: Land of Lungi.
The movie was earlier proposed to Akshay Kumar but he opted out of the movie owing to his tight schedule and later, Vicky Kaushal was roped in for the Hindi remake of Veeram. However, he also walked out of the movie and now the reports suggest that Shah Rukh Khan is discussing the script with Sajid Nadiadwala.
According to sources close to the development of the movie, a collaboration between SRK and Sajid has always been on the cards and with Land of Lungi, it may happen. While Shah Rukh Khan has shown his interest in the project and liked the script, he has not signed the dotted line yet. As per the source, Shah Rukh Khan is considering scripts that are coming to him and he will zero down to them in a few months. If things work out between the two, then it will be their first collaboration together.
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