Renowned ‘King’ of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, has been on a self-imposed sabbatical for many years as Zero was the last release of the superstar. While the actor has been enjoying his life with his family, his fans have been constantly speculating about his next movie. While there were many reports about him doing a movie has been doing rounds, the latest reports suggest that Shah Rukh Khan has finalized on Ali Abbas Zafar’s next.
According to the entertainment portal Pinkvilla, Shah Rukh Khan has signed Ali Abbas Zafar’s upcoming actioner as the actor was keen on doing an action-oriented venture as his next. While more details about the movie have been kept under wraps, the project is said to be one of the biggest actioner releasing next year.
Ali Abbas Zafar is busy with his first production venture, Kaali Peeli, starring Ishaan Khatter and Ananya Panday and his directorial starring Shah Rukh Khan is expected to roll out early next year only. While Shah Rukh Khan has reportedly given his nod for the concept, the movie script is getting worked upon.
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