Shah Rukh Khan is one true superstar of the Bollywood industry whose fandom is not bounded by any borders. The actor, who is missing from the silver screen for more than a year now, recently had a conversation with the richest person on the globe and Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos. During the chat, King Khan made many revelations and confessions about his personal life and we bet you never heard about them before from SRK.
During the interesting conversation, the Zero actor opened up about his shopping habits and said that he buys all his books from Amazon marketplace while he purchases his groceries from Big Basket as he is also the brand ambassador of the company. However, during shopping revelations, Shah Rukh Khan made a confession that he is not comfortable shopping for underwear online as it is a ‘boy thing’.
“I am going to plug my own brand as I do all my book shopping at Amazon. My groceries come from Big Basket. I have a confession to make… I am still not comfortable in shopping underwear online.. It is a boy thing,” Shah Rukh Khan said at the Amazon Prime Video Party with CEO Jeff Bezos. The actor also said that he feels that sleeping is a waste of time and he doesn’t like sleeping much. “It’s a waste of life,” he added.
While Jeff Bezos was all praises for the Bollywood’s superstar, Shah Rukh Khan impressed everyone with his witty comic timings and his humble persona. On the work front, SRK is yet to announce his next project after his self-imposed sabbatical of a year.
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