Shah Rukh Khan is one of the biggest names of the Bollywood industry and the actor is worshipped by his fans, literally. As the actor turned 54 on 2 November, his fans followed the tradition to send their warm wishes to the ‘King of Bollywood’ in mass at his home in Mumbai. However, this year, the celebration happened at midnight.
As his fans gathered around Mannat at midnight, Shah Rukh Khan came to his balcony to greet them and expressed his love and thankfulness with loads of flying kisses while everyone wished the superstar and chanted birthday songs in unanimous. While it is not the first time that Shah Rukh Khan greeted his fans from his balcony but the craze for him is on the next level.
One of his fans told ANI that he came to Delhi only to meet the superstar while another said that he came from Nagpur to get a glimpse of Shah Rukh Khan.
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan is on a self-imposed sabbatical for almost a year now and his fans are desperate to learn about his next project. Meanwhile, reports have it that SRK might announce his next movie on his birthday.
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