Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan, who is still riding high on the success of his recent action-packed thriller, Jawan, released on September 7, 2023, gathered with fellow cast members and filmmakers for a post-release celebration in Mumbai on September 15. The event was graced by stars such as Deepika Padukone, Vijay Sethupathi, Sunil Grover, Atlee, and Sanya Malhotra, among others, marking the triumphant reception of the film.
Amidst prior speculations that the release of the film Dunki might be pushed to the following year due to the overwhelming success of Shah Rukh’s recent films, the star himself provided clarity at the Jawan event. Shah Rukh Khan revealed exciting news about his next project, confirming that Dunki is slated to hit theatres on December 22 of this year. The actor expressed his gratitude for the warm reception of his recent films and humorously remarked on the auspicious release dates he has had. He said, “God’s been very kind, we’ve had Pathaan… Now, on Christmas and New Year, we will bring Dunki.”
Shah Rukh Khan’s cinematic journey in 2023 has been truly exceptional. Pathaan created history as the first Hindi film to cross the remarkable milestone of 500 crore rupees at the box office. Following this monumental success, Jawan also broke records and took the box office by storm, surpassing even the remarkable performance of Pathaan. With the announcement of Dunki arriving in December, fans of the superstar are eagerly awaiting another cinematic masterpiece to conclude the year.
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