In 2023, Shah Rukh Khan dominated the Bollywood scene with successful releases like Pathaan, Jawan, and Dunki, all making a mark at the box office. As Dunki continues its theatrical run, fans are buzzing with anticipation about SRK’s potential collaboration with acclaimed filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj for an upcoming thriller.
According to a report from Hindustan Times, industry insiders are speculating that Shah Rukh Khan is gearing up to sign on for a Vishal Bhardwaj film as his next project. This aligns with SRK’s penchant for surprising audiences with diverse film choices. The report suggests that the collaboration will feature the distinctive elements typical of a Vishal Bhardwaj film, incorporating thrills and nuanced storytelling.
Quoting a source, the report reveals, “Bhardwaj’s world of cinema is very different from the cinematic world and image of Shah Rukh. But the actor is ready to take it up as it offers something new to him. He has really liked the script with the two being in discussion mode for the same at the moment.”
Adding to the intrigue, the source concludes, “Shah Rukh has made all such unconventional choices all through his career. He has also worked with Amol Palekar in Paheli in the past, so it will be interesting what he would bring to Bhardwaj’s world. However, the industry is waiting for confirmation from either of them soon.”
While awaiting an official announcement, it’s noteworthy that Vishal Bhardwaj has previously expressed his desire to collaborate with SRK. During the promotion of Khufiya, he mentioned in an interview with News18, “At one point, we came very close to doing a film. It was announced also and we were going to shoot but somehow it didn’t happen.”
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