Making her Bollywood debut opposite Sushant Singh Rajput in the romantic-drama, Kedarnath, Saif Ali Khan’s daughter Sara Ali Khan has made a name for herself in the Bollywood industry with her acting talent and potential. While the actress has a couple upcoming projects in her kitty, her brother has been grabbing headlines lately with his social media stints.
Elder son of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh, Ibrahim Ali Khan, has been enjoying a great fan following with his occasional appearances round about the tinsel town and his social media posts. Some videos of Ibrahim Ali Khan have been going viral amongst the netizens and everyone praised his acting potential. With his sudden increased social media presence, many have anticipated his debut in the Bollywood industry as well and recently, his elder sister, Sara Ali Khan, talked about his acting plans.
In a recent conversation with an entertainment portal, Bollywood Hungama, Sara Ali Khan mentioned that Ibrahim Ali Khan indeed has an interest in acting. “He has not even gone to college as yet. So I think acting is a while away. It’s definitely something he is interested in, something he is passionate about. And he’s gonna study film in LA. So, if he wants to do something he’ll do it,” she said.
The Simmba actress also added that a successful acting career asks for lots of toiling and preparation and if Ibrahim Ali Khan has enough passion then people will like what he does. Meanwhile, Sara Ali Khan is awaiting the release of her next Coolie No 1 which stars Varun Dhawan in the titular character. The actress was also preparing for Anand L Rai directorial Atrangi Re which is halted due to the ongoing Coronavirus scare and lockdown.
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