Ace Bollywood actor, Sanjay Dutt, was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and he is undergoing treatment at Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai. Amid the ongoing treatment, Sanjay Dutt visited YRF to complete his patchwork for the upcoming movie Shamshera with Ranbir Kapoor in the lead.
Sanjay Dutt is getting his preliminary treatment in Mumbai and the actor recently issued a public statement that he would be taking a break from work to focus on his health. “Hi friends, I am taking a short break from work for medical treatment. My family and friends are with me and I urge my well-wishers not to worry or unnecessarily speculate. With your love and good wishes, I will be back soon,” he wrote. However, he is trying to complete his commitments as he was spotted outside YRF.
As per the source, Ranbir Kapoor had completed his patchwork earlier and Sanjay Dutt was supposed to shoot for two days for the film for a simple patchwork. The actor, despite his current health, decided to wrap his commitments for the project and appeared for the patchwork shoot. As per the sources close to the development of the movie, very strict precautions were taken in place for the actor considering the pandemic situation. All cast and crew present at the set location went through home quarantine and COVID-19 tests before appearing for the shoot to ensure a safe environment for Dutt.
Helmed by Karan Malhotra, Shamshera stars Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt and Vaani Kapoor in the primary characters and will be released over the big screen once the pandemic situation normalizes. YRF has made it clear that they will not seek the digital route to release their movies which are made for the big screens.
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