Akshay Kumar’s upcoming period drama, Prithviraj, is one of the most anticipated movies of the actor but it is getting more limelight for the associated controversies. Recently, Karni Sena had expressed its objection to the title of the movie and threatened the projects. Now, Sanatan Sena has sought a legal route to stop the production of Prithviraj.
The Sanatan Sena has filed a complaint under the Indian Penal Code 1860 against the makers of the movie. The complainant, Surjit Singh, National President of Sanatan Sena, believes that addressing a Hindu Warrior King in a singular manner can hurt the religious and social sentiments of the people. “That act of creating such a visual picture which has shown clear disrespect to the Hindu Warrior King his highness, Prithviraj Chauhan thereby causing an offence under Indian Penal Code 1860,” he adds.
Earlier, the president of the Youth Wing of Karni Sena had shared a similar opinion and objected to the title of the movie being singular. “How can they keep the title of the film as just ‘Prithviraj’ when the film is based on the great Prithviraj Chauhan? We want the title to be changed to his full name and give respect to him,” he told a daily.
Helmed by Chandraprakash Dwivedi, Prithviraj features Akshay Kumar as the great Indian warrior king, Prithviraj Chauhan. The movie also marks the debut of Manushi Chhillar as the king’s wife, Sanyogita. The period drama is slated for a release by the end of the year.
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