Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s ‘Bharat’ teaser was recently shared by the actor on the occasion of Independence day. The movie that’s suppose to be a story of a man and his nation together, in the teaser the music composed by Vishal-Shekhar is sure to pull the heart strings and ignite the patriot within everyone.
Kuch Rishte Zameen se hote hai, Aur kuch Khoon se.. Mere Paas Dono Thee ! कुछ रिश्ते ज़मीन से होते है, और कुछ खून से.. मेरे पास दोनो थे !@Bharat_TheFilm @aliabbaszafar @atulreellife #KatrinaKaif #Tabu @DishPatani @WhoSunilGrover @norafatehi @nikhilnamit @reellifeprodn @tseries
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) August 15, 2018
‘Bharat’ was supposed to be Priyanka Chopra’s come back movie opposite Salman in Hindi Cinema post her stint in her American series ‘Quantico’. However, things didn’t go as per initial plans and now Katrina Kaif, will be filling in for Priyanka’s part opposite Salman.
Tabu, Disha Patani. Nora Fatehi , Satish Kaushik, Sunil Grover are some other important names that are going to be part of the movie. ‘M.S. Dhoni’ fame actor Disha Patani, is apparently playing the role of a Trapeze artist.
Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, the movie is set for an Eid release next year. This would be Ali’s third movie with the actor.