While everyone was waiting for the Salman Khan and Alia Bhatt to share the screen space in the much-anticipated Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s upcoming drama Inshallah but recently the actor took to his Twitter account to announce that the movie has been postponed and will not release on the scheduled release date of Eid 2020.
After Inshallah got shelved, rumours started doing rounds that Rohit Shetty directorial Sooryavanshi starring Akshay Kumar will capture the Eid release with a Salman Khan cameo. However, the latest reports suggest that the second instalment of the Indian vigilante superhero Kick starring Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez.
According to a report, Sajid Nadiadwala and Salman Khan have locked on to the script of Kick 2 and finalised a release on Eid 2020. While the pre-production of the actioner is underway, the first schedule of the shooting will begin by the end of this year after the shooting of Dabangg 3 wraps.
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