Megastar Salman Khan recently made an outing with his highly-anticipated movie, Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai, in the middle of the pandemic. While the actor has been making remakes for almost a decade, he is reportedly no more interested in doing outright remakes of successful movies.
It was earlier announced that Salman Khan has been brought on board for the Hindi remake of the recent Tamil-language release, Master. According to a source close to the development of the remake, the megastar has asked the makers to rework the story and plot of the movie while retaining the personality of the lead character originally played by Vijay.
According to the report, Salman Khan doesn’t want to do outright remakes of Southern movies anymore after Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai but he liked the character of Vijay in Master. The actor has told the makers to come up with a unique story and plot for the remake as the character of JD has the potential to make it big in Pan India. While the greatest hits of the actor include remakes like Wanted, Dabangg, Ready among others, he is planning to refrain from doing remakes anymore.
Interestingly, Salman Khan recently came onboard for Rajkumar Gupta’s next spy thriller which will be based on the life of the Indian spy, Ravindra Kaushik. It will be the first biopic that the actor will be doing in Bollywood in his decades-long career. Salman also has Sajid Nadiadwala’s Bhaijaan, Tiger 3 and an important role in Mahesh Manjrekar’s Antim in his calendar.
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