It was earlier revealed that filmmaker Zoya Akhtar is working on a documentary on the lives of legendary writer duo, Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar. Recently, Salim Khan confirmed that the documentary is in the making and Zoya Akhtar has been working on it for a few months now. The latest update says that Salman Khan has decided to chip in his money for the documentary on the life of his father.
Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar are known to have penned many blockbuster characters throughout their career and the title of the documentary, Angry Young Man, refers to the character of Amitabh Bachchan from the iconic action drama, Zanjeer, which was written by the writer’s duo. While Zoya Akhtar has been working on the documentary for a while, the latest report suggests that Farhan Akhtar and Salman Khan will also be playing a part in the making as the producers.
The three filmmakers will be coming together for the first time for a documentary on their fathers which makes it a more personal project for Akhtar’s and Salman Khan. The reports also suggest that if the documentary goes as expected and tracks a good response, the three might come together again for a feature film around their fathers’ lives.
The documentary titled Angry Young Men is expected to release on the OTT platform next year.
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