The upcoming Hindi film Pathaan, starring Shah Rukh Khan, is generating a lot of excitement in the film industry. As YRF is launching their spy universe with this film, it is expected that characters from the Tiger franchise and War will also appear. According to trade analyst Amul Mohan, Salman Khan will have a cameo in the film, which is reportedly 20 minutes long, not a short appearance as previously reported.
Trade analyst Amul Mohan spoke with Faridoon Shahryar for Connect FM Canada and revealed that Salman Khan has a significant cameo in the film. He stated that Shah Rukh Khan’s appearance in the film is already a big event and the addition of Salman’s extended 20-minute cameo makes it even more significant.
In June, Shah Rukh Khan hosted an Instagram live to celebrate his 30 years in the industry and during the live session, he confirmed that Salman Khan is a part of the film Pathaan. He further added during his Instagram live that the past two years have been great because he has had the opportunity to work with Salman Khan in multiple films. He also revealed that Salman is part of Pathaan and he would love to repay by being a part of Tiger 3.
There are reports that Hrithik Roshan might also make a cameo appearance in Pathaan as his character Kabir from War is part of the same spy universe. Helmed by Siddharth Anand, the action thriller features Deepika Padukone and John Abraham besides SRK and is set to release on January 25th.
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