The legal troubles of Indian megastar Salman Khan never seem to end and the actor has found himself in the middle of another criminal proceeding in the 2019 journalist’s phone snatching incident. Salman was summoned by the Andheri Magistrate court on April 5 and the Bhaijaan has approached the Bombay High Court to challenge the process.
For the unversed, Salman Khan got into a heated argument with a journalist in 2019 when the latter clicked pictures of the actor on his bicycle trip around the city. Salman Khan and his security personnel, Nawaz Shaikh, allegedly had a verbal spat and the actor reportedly snatched the journalist’s phone to delete his pictures. The media person had registered a legal complaint against the actor and his bodyguard at the DN Nagar Police Station and the Metropolitan Magistrate court at Andheri had summoned Salman Khan along with his bodyguard, Nawaz Shaikh, in the case.
Metropolitan Magistrate R R Khan had on March 23 issued process to Salman and Shaikh after noting that a police report submitted in the matter stated that offences under Indian Penal Code Sections 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace) and 506 (criminal intimidation) are made out against the accused persons.
After a summons was issued to the actor and his bodyguard, Salman approached the Bombay High Court to file a petition against the same which is reportedly set to be heard today.
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