In 2023, Salman Khan made waves during the Diwali season with his blockbuster film Tiger 3. Swiftly moving on, the superstar promptly announced his next venture with Dharma Productions, titled The Bull. Commencing with the mahurat shot in Mumbai on December 29, the film sees Salman Khan immersing himself in intensive physical preparation, including training sessions with paramilitary forces.
The upcoming Dharma project features Salman Khan portraying Brigadier Farukh Bulsara, the leader of Operation Cactus in 1988 in the Maldives. This character is a paramilitary officer, and filming for the project is set to commence in February. To authentically embody Brigadier Bulsara, the superstar is committed to a rigorous daily training routine lasting 3.5 hours, coupled with a slight modification in his diet, as revealed by a source close to the project.
Directed by Vishnu Vardhan, The Bull promises a compelling retelling of Operation Cactus. This historical event, transpiring on November 3, 1988, saw the Indian Armed Forces assisting the Maldives in regaining control after a coup attempt led by businessman Abdullah Luthufi and the People’s Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE). The swift and efficient actions of the Indian forces neutralized the mercenaries, restoring control to President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s government within hours.
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