Salman Khan, an iconic figure in Indian cinema, has consistently delivered blockbusters over the decades, keeping fans eagerly anticipating his next move. Following the Diwali 2023 release of Tiger 3, speculations have been rife about his upcoming feature film, The Bull, in collaboration with Karan Johar. While Khan confirmed the project during Tiger 3 promotions and attended the film’s mahurat in December, discussions around The Bull have seemingly hit a sudden pause.
Breaking the internet with news of a delay, reliable sources reveal that Salman Khan and Karan Johar are currently engaged in financial negotiations, causing a significant setback in the shooting schedule. The Bull, known for its substantial budget, is under discussion for a potential back-end deal with Salman Khan. However, the actor is reportedly insisting on upfront payment, leading Karan Johar to reevaluate the financial viability of commencing the film. The negotiations have prompted Johar to seek additional time from Salman Khan for a comprehensive financial restructuring.
Insiders share that Salman Khan is enthusiastic about collaborating with Karan Johar but not at the expense of personal loss. Despite his admiration for the script, securing Salman Khan’s involvement comes with substantial financial demands. Once the financial details are finalized, an official announcement for The Bull is expected from Karan Johar.
Initially slated to commence shooting in November, The Bull faced delays to December, then January, with a finalized schedule set for May. However, the current scenario reveals a lack of shooting timelines for The Bull, as ongoing meetings between Salman Khan and Karan Johar are set to unfold over the next few days.
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