Telugu star Ram Charan launched the first EPIQ Screen in Nellore district introduced by Qube Cinema on Thursday. EPIQ Screen is touted to be the largest screen in South Asia with a height of 80ft and width of 100ft. While the actor said that he hopes to watch Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy there, the first movie to be screened on EPIQ is Prabhas starrer Saaho.
Saaho cinematographer Madhie expressed his excitement for EPIQ and said that it might have a terrific impact in the movie industry. Helmed by Sujeeth, Saaho stars Prabhas and Shraddha Kapoor in the lead roles and has been one of the most anticipated movies of the year.
“As a premium large format of exceptional quality, EPIQ will have the power to inspire a revival in how people engage with movies, drawing them back to the theater for an incredible experience,” said Harsh Rohatgi, CEO of Qube Cinemas. He also said that they are in talks with exhibitors across the country to add new Qube EPIQ screens by the end of this year.
Currently, the mega screen has a sitting of 670 people while the other screens have 170 seats each.