SS Rajamouli’s highly anticipated period drama ‘RRR’ starring Ram Charan and NTR Jr. was all set to hit the floors on January 7, 2022. Due to the rising Covid cases in the country, the film’s release has been apparently shelved at the moment. RRR is said to be a highly budgeted movie with a massive star cast that also includes Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn in pivotal roles.
According to the reports, approximately Rs. 18-20 crores have been wasted on the Upcoming Magnum Opus’s Promotions. The reports state that the promotional strategy included a Rs. 2-3 Crores budget for transporting fans of Ram Charan and NTR Jr. to promote the movie outside Andhra Pradesh. As per the sources, fans of the leading actors were flown to other cities and were put up in luxury hotels for the media/marketing events in Mumbai and other cities where the fanbase of both the actors is quite minimal. All the fans had to do was just applaud for the actors in exchange for the hospitality.
At a previous press conference, producer DVV Danayya had said that the movie’s budget ranges from Rs. 350 to 400 crores. According to the reports, Director SS Rajamouli was ‘super adamant’ about releasing the film this time as the project had already been postponed multiple times. His decision was supported by the cast and crew but due to the covid restrictions, theatres had to be shut down and the team had no other option. On Jan 1, 2022, the makers of the movie had released an official statement saying that, “Keeping the best interests of all the involved parties in mind, we are forced to postpone our film. Our sincere thanks to all the fans and audience for their unconditional love.”
RRR is a fictional story of two Telugu freedom fighters, Alluri Seetharama Raju and Komaram Bheem, played by Ram Charan and NTR Jr, respectively. Apparently, the makers of the movie will have to wait for the cinema halls to reopen across the world to recover the expenses and budget of the movie.