Renowned filmmaker Rohit Shetty, known for his blockbuster Golmaal franchise, has officially confirmed the much-anticipated Golmaal 5. During the promotions of his web series Indian Police Force, Shetty expressed his commitment to the comedy series, assuring fans that work on Golmaal 5 will kick off in the next two years.
In a recent interview with Pinkvilla, Rohit Shetty stated, “Golmaal 5 will happen for sure. Looking at the response, I will have to make it a little soon. I think you will get Golmaal 5 in the next 2 years.” He emphasized his intention to make the next instalment grander and more spectacular than its predecessors.
While reflecting on the evolving landscape of cinema, Shetty emphasized the need for grandeur, intending to elevate the scale of Golmaal 5. He expressed his desire to make it bigger and better, aiming to satisfy the numerous fans of the Golmaal franchise.
Shetty, known for his versatility, also mentioned his plans to explore projects beyond the cop universe. He acknowledged the need for films like Chennai Express and expressed his readiness to embark on new, fresh ventures if he comes across compelling and grand storylines.
In the midst of Golmaal 5 preparations, Rohit Shetty is set to make his digital directorial debut with the web series Indian Police Force. Starring Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty, and Vivek Oberoi, the seven-episode series is scheduled to premiere on January 19, 2024, on Prime Video.
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