Ever since Matt Reeves announced a standalone Batman live-action movie, everyone has been eagerly waiting for more updates. While the decision of casting Robert Pattinson as the new cape crusader bugged many, the actor was later accepted by the majority. Meanwhile, Joaquin Phoenix received an enormously positive response from the critics and audience for his portrayal of the clown prince of crime in Todd Phillips’ Joker.
While Joker has always been the legendary and biggest villain for Batman in the DC Universe, his fans are expecting Joaquin Phoenix to make an appearance in the upcoming Batman movie after the success of his standalone movie. However, Robert Pattinson recently opened up on the same and confirmed that Joker will not make an appearance in The Batman.
In a recent interview, he said that The Batman would have a different world and wouldn’t have Joker in it. Talking about Joker, Robert said that he hadn’t watched the movie yet but plans to watch it soon. When asked about his Batman suit, the actor said that Matt Reeves has got a ‘really awesome idea’ about it and he hasn’t final version yet.
Starring Robert Pattinson as Batman, Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman and Paul Dano as the antagonist Riddler, Matt Reeves’s The Batman is slated to release on 25 June 2021.
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