Christopher Nolan’s upcoming thriller based on the life work of theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer just got bigger on the canvas and has become one of the most stacked feature projects in recent memory. The biopic already features Cillian Murphy and Emily Blunt playing the lead couple and now brings on board Robert Downey Jr. and Matt Damon in key roles.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Cillian Murphy will be portraying the character of the theoretical physicist while Emily will play his wife, Katherine Oppenheimer, in the movie. Matt Damon has been brought on board to play Lt. Gen. Leslie Groves, the director of the Manhattan Project, the U.S. research initiative that developed the first atomic bomb. On the other hand, Robert will be playing the character of Lewis Strauss, the infamous chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission.
Filmmaker Christopher Nolan is best known for his mind-bending and exciting thrillers which keep the audience on the edge throughout his movies and he has been working on this script for a while. The thriller biopic is based on American Prometheus: “The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” by Kai Bird and the late Martin J. Sherwin. Published in 2005, the book won the Pulitzer Prize.
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