The popular television show, Yeh Rishtey Hain Pyaar Ke, experienced a shocking event when the lead actor Ritvik Arora was thrown out of the show after an alleged argument between the production team and the actor’s father. Both the producer and the actor have put forward their side of the story with explanations for their role in the abrupt decision. However, the makers are fixed on their decision to replace him with another actor.
In earlier conversations, the producer of YRHPK, Rajan Shahi, had mentioned that one actor of the show had demanded a pay hike and was not ready to negotiate. In a recent series of events, the producer lashed out at Ritvik Arora for being ‘unprofessional’ and is determined to replace him in the show. “If an actor wants to opt out of a show, we totally understand. But the behaviour of unprofessional people, who hold a production house to ransom, should be called out,” Rajan Shahi said.
The producer said that when his team called Ritvik to discuss the shoot of the show but the actor asked them to talk to his father. His father, as per the producer, asked for a double pay hike of Ritvik and a minimum 25-day work guarantee in order for him to continue the shoot. The producer further emphasised that the tone of the conversation was not appreciated. “What’s really wrong is the way he communicated it saying, ‘Don’t even think of calling back if you want to negotiate,’” he added.
Ritvik Arora, on the other hand, has backed his father and said that his family was worried about resuming shooting as his uncle died of COVID-19 and renowned television actor Parth Samthaan was tested positive for the Coronavirus infection. “He (Ritvik’s father) didn’t ask them to double my money, he asked for a minor hike thinking that it would serve as a deterrent and they wouldn’t call me to Mumbai,” said the actor as he called it a clear ‘case of miscommunication and misunderstanding’.
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