Bollywood actress Rhea Chakraborty has been labelled as the prime suspect of the Sushant Singh Rajput’s alleged suicide case. While CBI grilled the actress for hours, the actress registered a police complaint against a section of electronic media at the Santa Cruz police station and accused them of harassment.
After a 10-hour long interrogation by the CBI team, Rhea Chakraborty reached the Santa Cruz police station and lodged a formal complaint against paparazzi for harassing her and her parents. While the move was unexpected, her friend says that she has reached the end of her patience. “The way she’s being cornered anyone would cave in. The paps are pushing her to the brink, breaking into her apartment compound. Some of them are even entering her home. This hounding must stop,” her close friend said.
Rhea Chakraborty has been announced the culprit in Sushant’s suicide case by the netizens and she has been at the receiving end for months. The actress who claims herself to be the girlfriend of the late actor has been accused of killing Sushant Singh Rajput by his father KK Singh. However, the complaint by KK Singh was not limited to her but her parents and brother were also tagged in the FIR. Sushant Singh Rajput died on the 14th of June at his Bandra residence.
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