Veteran Bollywood choreographer Saroj Khan, who had mentored generations of superstars, took her last breath Friday morning. The choreographer was recently admitted to Guru Nanak Hospital in Mumbai post complaining of difficulty in breathing. She died by cardiac arrest in the morning. The mandatory test for COVID-19 came out to be negative.
“She passed away due to cardiac arrest at around 2:30 am at the hospital,” said her nephew, Manish Jagwani, confirming the time of death. Starting her career as an actress, Saroj Khan became one of the legendary choreographers in the Indian entertainment industry. She last worked on the song, Tabaah Ho Gaye, for the movie Kalank which was filmed on Madhuri Dixit.
Many Bollywood celebrities took to their social media handles to give their tribute to Khan and remembered her for her work in the entertainment sector. “Saroj Khan ji knows my problem very well. My problem was that I was a classical dancer. I am trained in Kathak and I did not know Bollywood dancing,” said veteran actress Madhuri Dixit about her experiences with the ace choreographer.
EntNetwrk remembers Saroj Khan for her work and wishes her soul rest in peace.