Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone’s iconic film Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (YJHD) is creating waves once again with its re-release at the Indian box office. The romantic comedy, originally released in 2013, has now officially entered the 200-crore club, showcasing its timeless appeal. Despite stiff competition from blockbusters like Game Changer and Pushpa 2, the film has managed to draw audiences and deliver a stellar performance, especially on its second Sunday.
Re-released on January 3, 2024, the Ayan Mukerji directorial opened with collections of ₹1.15 crore. Impressively, the box office numbers have grown steadily, with the film collecting ₹1.30 crore on its 10th day, surpassing its opening-day earnings. Currently, the re-release has amassed ₹15.72 crore, further solidifying its legacy.
During its initial release, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani earned ₹190.03 crore. Adding the re-release collections, the total now stands at ₹205.75 crore. However, to surpass Chennai Express (₹226.70 crore) and claim the title of the third highest-grossing film of 2013, YJHD would need to collect ₹20.95 crore more. Achieving this milestone may prove challenging, given the current competition and limited screen space.
Among re-releases, YJHD has secured the third spot for highest earnings, trailing behind Tumbbad (₹37.34 crore gross) and Ghilli (₹26.50 crore). While surpassing Tumbbad seems out of reach, the enduring love for Ranbir and Deepika’s chemistry has ensured that YJHD remains a standout in Indian cinema’s re-release history.
With its engaging storyline, soulful music, and nostalgic charm, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani continues to captivate audiences, proving that some stories never go out of style.
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