‘Savita Damodar Paranjpe’ is an upcoming psychological Marathi thriller, based on true events starring Hindi television and Bollywood actor Raqesh Bapat, Trupti Toradmal, Subodh Bhave and Pallavi Patil. The movie has been adapted from a play written by Shekhar Tamhane with the same title as the movie’s. It will be releasing on August 31.
Directed by noted Television producer and director Swapna Waghmare Joshi, the story revolves around the life of a very much in love and blissfully married couple Sharad Abhyankar (Subodh Bhave) and Kussum Abhyankar (Trupti Toradmal) , whose life takes a scary turn when Kussum gets possessed by a spirit and makes her behave out of character.
Raqesh known best for his role of Amar Shah in 2001 blockbuster movie ‘Tum Bin’ and his character Aditya in Star Plus’s ‘Maryaada’ forayed into Marathi movies in the year 2012 with ‘Aayna Ka Bayna’. In ‘Savita Damodar Paranjpe’ he will be playing the character of Ashok , a Psychiatrist, who will be brought into the scene by Subodh Bhave’s character Sharad to cure his wife Kussum, only for things to get much worse.
Swapna has also worked with Bapat during his television stint in ‘Saat Phere’ as well. Produced by John Abraham and Panaroma Studios, the film marks the debut of Bollywood star as a producer in Marathi movies.
Since the movie is produced by such a huge banner, the promotions are also going steady strong for it. Watch the trailer of the movie below: