Ranveer Singh’s last outing at the box office, Gully Boy, was a super successful affair and the actor is currently preparing for the release of his next, ’83, which is getting postponed due to the outbreak of Coronavirus. Meanwhile, his other upcoming biggie, Jayeshbhai Jordaar, is one of the highly-anticipated movies of the year. Earlier, it was learnt that YRF’s Jayeshbhai Jordaar will clash with Farhan Akhtar’s sports-drama, Toofan, but the latest report is in favour of the makers.
Yash Raj Films took to its social media handle to make an announcement that producers, Aditya Chopra and Ritesh Sidhwani, came to a mutual agreement in order to avoid the clash between the two upcoming movies. Since a clash will affect the performance of both the movies, the makers decided to agree on solo releases and Ritesh Sidhwani preponed the release date of Toofan.
While Ranveer Singh and Shalini Pandey starrer Jayeshbhai Jordaar will hit the silver screens on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, i.e. 2nd of October, Farhan Akhtar’s Toofan will make its way to the theatres two weeks prior to the Ranveer Singh starrer, i.e. 18th of September. Making an official announcement of the release date shuffles, YRF tweeted, “In the interest of both films and to ensure an ideal theatrical release, #AdityaChopra & @ritesh_sid have decided to release their films on different dates. YRF will release #JayeshbhaiJordaar on 2nd October and @excelmovies will release #Toofaan on 18th September 2020.”
In the interest of both films and to ensure an ideal theatrical release, #AdityaChopra & @ritesh_sid have decided to release their films on different dates. YRF will release #JayeshbhaiJordaar on 2nd October and @excelmovies will release #Toofaan on 18th September 2020.
— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) March 13, 2020
Since now both the movies are now releasing on different dates and with a gap, we can expect a better box office response to both the movies.
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