It was earlier informed that Rohit Shetty is working on a comedy-drama with Ranveer Singh and the duo will be collaborating again for an adaptation of Gulzaar’s cult comedy, Angoor. While the Simmba actor will be seen in a double role in the movie, the makers have locked in the lead actresses for the movie opposite Ranveer Singh.
As per the sources closer to the development of the comedy-drama, filmmaker Rohit Shetty has locked Jacqueline Fernandez and Pooja Hegde to play the leads in the movie. Both the actresses are to be paired with Ranveer Singh playing the double characters leading to a stomach-aching laughter journey. While the actor and director duo have worked together in the past for blockbuster results, it will be the first time that Ranveer is collaborating with either of the actresses.
Ranveer Singh and Rohit Shetty had earlier collaborated for the cop-drama, Simmba, which went on to mint success at the box office and entered the 200 crore club with ease. Ranveer will also be playing an extended cameo in the Akshay Kumar starrer Sooryavanshi as he will be reprising his character from Simmba. After doing back to back serious actioners, Rohit was on a lookout and an adaptation of Angoor couldn’t get any better.
While Ranveer Singh gave his nod for the project instantly, the titled of the movie is being worked upon. Meanwhile, Rohit Shetty is also working on the fifth instalment of his blockbuster franchise, Golmaal, with Ajay Devgn in the lead.
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