Indian actor Ranveer Singh has given a number of memorable performances throughout his career in Bollywood and he is all prepared for his next release, Jayeshbhai Jordaar. During a recent media interaction as part of the movie performance, the actor opened up on his popular character of Simmba from the Rohit Shetty’s cop universe and discussed the possibility of a sequel.
Talking about Simmba, Ranveer said that it is one of his favourite performances and he will be ‘very disappointed’ if the character is not reprised in a dedicated sequel. “He is one of my favourite guys and it was always designed to be a franchise. Whenever Rohit (Shetty) Bhai calls, I’ll be there. So there will be Simmba 2 and it is one of my favourite movies of my own and one of my favourite performances of my own. I love it and I will do it and I love that,” he said.
The actor further discussed the challenges of dealing with a serious topic with a goofy character like Simmba. “In the initial half of the film you’re still this larger-than-life colourful goofball, but then to have that switch over and then to become that guy who stands up and pitches those dramatic scenes,” he added as he rated Simmba as his highest-rated performance. Following the success of the character, Ranveer Singh reprised the role in Akshay Kumar’s Sooryavanshi which also featured Ajay Devgn’s Singham as Rohit Shetty created a cop-universe with the trio.
While the actor is all up for a sequel to Simmba, we might have to wait for a while before Rohit Shetty decides to work on the script. Meanwhile, Ranveer will next be seen alongside Shalini Pandey in Divyang Thakkar’s directorial Jayeshbhai Jordaar. He also has Cirkus remake, Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani and the Hindi remake of Anniyan in the pipeline.
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