Ranveer Singh is currently busy with the production of Rohit Shetty directorial, Cirkus, which also stars Pooja Hegde and Jacqueline Fernandez in the key roles. Meanwhile, the actor is awaiting the release of his upcoming sports-drama, 83, based on the 1983 Cricket World Cup, and social comedy, Jayeshbhai Jordaar. Now according to reports, Ranveer is in talks with the ace filmmaker Shankar for a pan-India film.
According to sources close to the development of Cirkus, Ranveer Singh recently took a break from the production to visit Chennai and as per the popular reports, the actor had a meeting with filmmaker Shankar. The filmmaker has reportedly narrated the script of an untitled project to the Simmba actor and the latter has expressed interest in the same. However, no deal has been materialized as of now.
Shankar recently announced a pan-India project with Ram Charan in the lead and if reports are to be believed, Ranveer has been going through several scripts for his first pan-India movie given the graph of his career. If everything goes as expected, Shankar and Ranveer are expected to take the project on the floors soon.
Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh will next be seen as a cameo appearance in Rohit Shetty’s cop-drama, Sooryavanshi, which features Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif in the leads.
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