Randeep Hooda, known for his intense love for his work, has overcome physical and psychological setbacks to resume filming for his ambitious project, Swatantra Veer Savarkar. Despite battling knee ailments and project delays, Randeep is now ready to return to the movie after significant weight loss to play the titular role of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. Notably, Randeep is also taking on the roles of director and producer for the first time, expanding his creative horizons with this project.
Speaking about donning multiple roles for Swatantra Veer Savarkar, Randeep believes that working in isolation is easier as an actor or a writer, but not as a director. He compares it to being an individual tennis player who is now leading a soccer team and has to ensure that all the players play tennis individually. Juggling the roles of a director, writer, and producer has taught him valuable lessons in people management, as acting is a very individualistic craft.
Elaborating on the making and research for the film, Randeep reveals that Swatantra Veer Savarkar is his first project as a director, writer, and producer. He is fearless about taking on these roles and admits that he didn’t know many things about Savarkar before starting his research. Most books have dedicated only two paragraphs to the armed revolution, which was also a part of India’s freedom struggle. Through extensive research, Randeep aims to showcase their actual contribution to the movie and connect with today’s youth.
After recovering from his injury, Randeep admits that it took him a few months to get back in action. He shares that he was 22 kgs underweight for almost eight months while preparing for Swatantra Veer Savarkar, and weighed 68 kgs. Post the injury, he is now at 71 kgs and needs to lose weight again to maintain continuity as they restart shooting. Randeep acknowledges that with age, it becomes tougher, but he is determined not to slow down.
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