Rana Daggubati, who is currently awaiting the release of his movie Aranya, is in the news for a biopic on late Indian actor Sobhan Babu. If reports are to be believed, a leading Tollywood filmmaker is in talks with the family of the late actor for a film on the actor’s life and Rana Daggubati has been approached to play the part.
Born in 1937, Sobhan Babu was a very successful Indian actor who played many memorable characters exclusively in the Telugu cinema in 35 years of an acting career. During the pinnacle of his success, he worked with leading filmmakers including EVV Satyanarayana, K Raghavendra Rao, Paruchuri Brothers, Relangi Narasimha Rao, Ravi Raja Pinisetty, and Kodi Ramakrishna among others. The actor left for his heavenly abode in the year 2008 after succumbing to a heart attack.
While there have been no official announcements made yet, Baahubali fame actor Rana Daggubati has been approached to play the titular character of Sobhan Babu in his biopic and the actor has reportedly given his nod for the project. An announcement of the movie is likely to be made earlier next year if everything falls in place.
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