The Ram Setu trailer, which features Akshay Kumar, makes it appear as though the actor is working alone to preserve what his character believes to be a priceless artefact: the bridge that Lord Ram built in the Hindu epic Ramayan. The story’s main conflict is that the wicked characters seek to eliminate “Ram Setu,” as the trailer indicates. Akshay and his team become involved in a large plot where they are the targets as they attempt to demonstrate the existence of the structure.
The action adventure does not make it obvious who the villains are, but the trailer does show Akshay Kumar walking on water. Along with Jennifer Piccinato and Pravesh Rana, the movie also stars Satya Dev, Jacqueline Fernandez, Nushratt Bharuccha, and Nasser.
According to the official description of the film on YouTube, Akshay Kumar plays an “atheist archaeologist-turned-believer” in Ram Setu who must “establish the genuine existence of the fabled Ram Setu before evil forces demolish the cornerstone of India’s civilization.” The movie is described as an “action-adventure.” Abhishek Sharma is the director of Ram Setu and co-produced by Cape of Good Films along with Amazon Prime Video, Abundantia Entertainment, and Lyca Productions.
Ram Setu, which is directed by Abhishek Sharma, will be Akshay’s fifth film to be released this year following Cuttputlli, Prithviraj, Raksha Bandhan, and Bachchhan Paandey. All of Akshay’s movies this year have received negative reviews and have underperformed at the box office. On October 25, Ram Setu and Ajay Devgn’s Thank God will be released. Akshay had already talked about reflecting on the types of movies he has been producing. “Films aren’t functioning, and that’s our problem and mine. I must make the adjustments. I need to be aware of the audience’s preferences. I’d want to make my modifications. I want to tear everything apart. He advised concentrating on the kinds of movies I ought to make. There is no one else to blame except me”, he said after Raksha Bandhan flopped at the box office.