Ram Charan, the lead actor in the SS Rajamouli directorial RRR, is all set to make his Hollywood debut. In a recent conversation with former film critic Sam Fragoso for the latter’s podcast called Talk Easy, Ram Charan confirmed that he is gearing up for his Hollywood debut and that the news will be out soon.
When asked if he wishes to work outside India, Ram Charan said, “I am open to working in any country where cinema is appreciated and there’s an audience who appreciate your work. Wherever the camera rolls, I want to be there. You can plan toward it and let it happen. We are definitely in talks.” The talks are happening, and he further added, “there’s definitely going to be news, and it will come out in a couple of months.”
During the podcast, the host also asked if he would like to act with anyone in Hollywood, to which Ram Charan replied, “One of the top stars I want to work with is Julia Roberts. I can also be a part of the movie as a guest. I mean who doesn’t like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Julia Roberts?”
The Telugu film industry has made a significant impact worldwide with the success of RRR, and Ram Charan and Jr NTR have become global stars. Ram Charan is currently in the US to attend the Oscars and represent RRR. The song ‘Naati Naatu’ from the film has been nominated in the category of Best Original Song at the 95th Academy Awards, which will be held on March 12.
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