On Thursday, Mumbai police arrested actor Rakhi Sawant following a complaint filed by model-actor Sherlyn Chopra. Chopra’s complaint alleged that Sawant had made and distributed inappropriate videos and photos of her without her consent. An FIR was registered against Sawant and she was taken to Amboli Police Station for further questioning. The police plan to present Sawant in an Andheri court later in the day.
As reported by PTI, Sawant has been charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including 354A (sexual harassment), 509 (insulting the modesty of a woman) and 504 (insulting with intent to provoke a breach of peace), as well as provisions of the Information Technology Act.
Sawant had previously submitted an anticipatory bail application to a sessions court in Mumbai on Wednesday, but the request was denied. As a result, she was taken into custody on Thursday.
The conflict between Sawant and Chopra had been ongoing for some time. In November of last year, they both filed police reports against each other for using offensive language.
Sawant has previously appeared on the reality TV show ‘Bigg Boss’ and also starred in the Farah Khan-directed film Main Hoon Na. In recent news, Rakhi Sawant revealed that she has tied the knot with her partner Adil Khan Durrani.
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