Actor Rajkummar Rao, who gave us a fantastic 2018 with Maddock Films’ blockbuster ‘Stree’, will be collaborating with Dinesh Vijan again in his upcoming horror-comedy titled ‘Rooh-Afza’, co-produced by Mrigdeep Lamba.
Seems like the actor is on a roll with the horro-comedy genre. Rajkummar, along with the very talented ‘Fukrey’ fame Varun Sharma will be playing the characters of small time foolish village goons, who are stuck in a ghostly situation that would lead to hysterical rib-tickling consequences.
The story is said to be set in remote Uttar Pradesh, that chronicles around two guys (Rajkummar & Varun) and a music loving ghost who wants to posses brides, in order to achieve that it puts the men to sleep.
Just like ‘Stree’, this movie also seems to have an ulterior motive of sending across a social message using horror with a blend of comedy as a tool.
The rest of the casting is still underway for this project. For now Rajkummar and Varun have been confirmed and we surely can’t contain our excitement.
Both the actors have time and again proved their acting mettle and fantastic comic timing, them in one frame for sure is going to be worth all the wait and excitement.
Rajkummar will be soon seen in Balaji Motion Pictures’s ‘Mental Hai Kya?’ along side Kangana Ranaut and Maddock Films’s ‘Made In China’ with Mouni Roy.