Classic Bollywood movie featuring Amitabh Bachchan and late actor Rajesh Khanna, Anand, has always been one of the greatest performances of the two and turned out to be the turning point for Amitabh Bachchan. While the movie remains a memorable affair for the fans, the grandchild of the original producer is all set to revisit the iconic drama and give it a modern take.
Announcing a remake to Anand, Sameer Raj Sippy says that the iconic movies like the 1971’s hit shall be enjoyed by the current generation as well. “Keeping in mind the sensibilities of the original film and the emotions attached, I felt the current generation needs to be retold the many stories that are so relevant today and specially when there is a great appetite for good content,” he said.
Co-producer, Vikram Khakhar supports the idea and hints at the premise of the remake. “Digging into our own classics, we will find invaluable gems rather than scouting for stories, Internationally or Regionally. Placing Anand in the post Covid era, where we emphasise on the value of life, will enhance the story of Anand,” he adds.
While the remake is on the cards, the makers are yet to finalize a script and a crew. The director and the leading cast are yet to be decided. Who do you think can do justice to the characters of legendary actors, Rajesh Khanna and Amitabh Bachchan?
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