Indian businessman Raj Kundra has been in the news lately related to his alleged involvement in adult content creation and circulation in the country. Raj was arrested by the Mumbai police on 19 July and his police custody was extended till today after multiple hearings. The Mumbai court today sent him to judicial custody for 14 days.
In the court, the Mumbai Crime Branch reportedly alleged that the 45-year-old businessman is not cooperating with the ongoing investigation and south further custody of 7 days to probe the recently seized documents and foreign financial transactions. Raj Kundra was sent to judicial custody for 14 days to let the agencies investigate the matter properly.
The investigating team is also awaiting a response from Google for details about the app HotShots on which pornographic content was allegedly made available. Meanwhile, Apple has responded to the officials explaining why HotShots was removed from their app store in June 2020.
On the other hand, the defence lawyer of Raj Kundra expressed his disappointment with the judicial custody and said, “He has already spent more than 200 hours in police custody and if the court kept extending custody every time on such grounds then it will set a wrong precedent.”
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