On July 27, Jio Studios and B62 Studios announced that Aditya Dhar’s upcoming project will star Ranveer Singh, Sanjay Dutt, R Madhavan, Akshaye Khanna, and Arjun Rampal. A black-and-white photo featuring the cast and the director was released, generating buzz. The film began filming on July 25 and is reportedly a period action thriller set against the geopolitical tensions between India and Pakistan. Initially, rumours circulated that Ranveer Singh would portray Ajit Doval, India’s current National Security Advisor, in his younger years.
However, it’s been confirmed that R Madhavan will actually take on the role inspired by Ajit Doval. A source close to the development of the project revealed that Madhavan will have a unique look in the film, which he is eagerly preparing for. The makers believe that his portrayal will be noteworthy. Details are still unclear on whether the character will be directly named Ajit Doval or just inspired by him. Information about Ranveer Singh’s role in the film remains undisclosed.
This marks the second time Aditya Dhar has included a character based on Ajit Doval in his films. In Uri: The Surgical Strike, Paresh Rawal played Govind Bhardwaj, a character inspired by Doval. Despite speculation, the upcoming movie is not titled Dhurandhar and currently remains untitled. It is being produced by Jyoti Deshpande of Jio Studios, along with Lokesh Dhar and Aditya Dhar under their banner B62 Studios.
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