A sequel to the classic cult comedy-drama, Hungama, was announced a while ago with a new set of cast and expectations have been very high from the movie as it will mark the comeback of iconic director Priyadarshan in Bollywood. However, like others, the release of the movie is affected by the ongoing pandemic and the associated lockdowns. Now the makers are taking a digital route to release the comedy-drama.
Hungama 2 was earlier scheduled for a theatrical release in summer 2021, however, the makers had to reconsider their plans regarding the release of the movie in wake of the second wave of devastating Coronavirus. The latest update is that Hungama 2 will see a direct-digital release on the streaming platform, Disney+ Hotstar. According to a source close to the development of the movie, the makers got a lucrative deal from the streaming giant and they have verbally given their nod for the digital release.
Hungama 2 will reportedly be released directly on Disney+ Hotstar while the makers have yet to sign the dotted line on the financials. An official announcement will be made from both parties once the paperwork is signed and locked.
Helmed by Priyadarshan, Hungama 2 features Paresh Rawal, Shilpa Shetty, Meezaan Jaffrey and Pranitha Subhash in the key roles while Akshaye Khanna from the first instalment will be making a short cameo.
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