Best known for his TV series Chanakya, filmmaker Chandraprakash Dwivedi is recently quite occupied with his upcoming historical release Prithviraj starring actor Akshay Kumar in the titular role. According to the sources, Dwivedi has based the storyline of his film on the epic poem called Prithviraj Raso.
The film ‘Prithviraj’ he says draws upon mainly medieval literature, the epic being called ‘Prithviraj Raso’ written by the great poet Chand Bardai. There are many other literary works on Prithviraj and his life during that time, besides these couple of versions of ‘Raso’. Additionally, there are commentaries on ‘Raso’ as well, says Dwivedi.
The film ‘Prithviraj’ is based on the life of the fearless and the powerful King Prithviraj Chauhan. Akshay plays the warrior king who fought valiantly against Muhammad Ghori while debutant Manushi Chhillar plays Sanyogita. The filmmaker adds by saying that he had to dive deeply into the research on the warrior king for this, particularly challenging and ambitious project.
Dwivedi got involved in endless research and enjoyed the process of entering the unknown, and the unexplored worlds of great heroes of India and they’re gone by eras. To the filmmaker, it felt like having a dialogue with these great characters in their times and he believes that most writers must have experienced this bizarre phenomenon.
The filmmaker also loved to research art, archaeology, costumes, material culture and other available historical data apart from the story. He loved the rhythm of archaeological exploration and enjoyed digging into the pages of literary content or unearthing the historical fiction to recreate the era and personalities of its time. As an artist, he tells, that this gave him extreme contentment and self-satisfaction and allowed him to paint the cinema’s canvas with the lights and camera.
Dwivedi elaborates that life stories of great warriors like Prithviraj are very important today, and should often be told as nowadays, the good is always locked in a battle with evil and these stories carry with them strong messages.
He signs off by saying that he doesn’t make characters like Prithviraj to make them relevant for young viewers only. He chooses these as his subjects for cinema as they are pertaining to our times and all other times that will follow. To him, these characters are bright shining stars in the galaxy of other great historical characters, which will set an example for many generations.
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