Indian actor Prince Narula has been titled the king of reality shows as he has won not one but three reality shows in a row. The 30-year-old recently opened up about his interest in the stunt-based reality show, Khatron Ke Khiladi, and assured his fans that he will be joining as a contestant in the next season.
In a recent Instagram live session, Prince Narula candidly talked about his interest in Khatron Ke Khiladi and said that he wanted to participate in the ongoing season but couldn’t due to his work commitments. The actor mentioned that he had been approached by the makers of the reality show numerous times but his participation never materialized. He added that he is all set to participate in the upcoming season as he is made for shows like this.
Prince also expressed his confidence in the stunts and said that he enjoys doing such things. He added that he is not scared of water, heights or anything and will give a tough for the rest of the contestants. The winner of the Roadies also compared the two shows and said that Khatron Ke Khiladi is safer than the Roadies format as the makers take better safety precautions.
Prince Narula is the winner of the MTV Roadies 12, MTV Splitsvilla 8 and celebrity-based reality show Bigg Boss Season 9. He also appeared in the dance reality show, Nach Baliye Season 9, with his wife Yuvika Chaudhary and emerged as the winner of the show.
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