Indian actor Pratik Gandhi rose to fame after the humongous success of the web-series, Scam 1992, and he has been getting back to back projects ever since. According to a report, the actor has been approached to play the lead alongside Taapsee Pannu in the upcoming investigation comedy.
If rumours mills are to be believed, Pratik Gandhi and Taapsee Pannu are being paired together for a comedy-drama titled Woh Ladki Hai Kahaan which is to be produced under the production banner of Siddharth Roy Kapur. As per the reports, the movie is to be helmed by Arshad Syed which will also mark his directorial debut in Bollywood.
Meanwhile, Taapsee Pannu is currently busy with the production of her upcoming sports-drama, Shabaash Mithu, based on the life of Indian women’s cricket captain Mithali Raj. On the other hand, Pratik Gandhi will next be seen in the Hardik Gajjar directorial, Ravan Leela.
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