Actor, director and dancer, Prabhu Deva, has been in the headlines lately for his love life and as per the latest reports, he secretly married to his physiotherapist months ago. While the earlier media reports claimed that the filmmaker is in a steady relationship with his niece and the two are planning to get hitched, the latest reports suggest otherwise.
As per a report published in India TV, the ABCD actor tied the knot to his physiotherapist in September and the couple moved to Chennai in a hush-hush affair. The report suggests that the two met at her clinic in Mumbai after Prabhu Deva developed severe back pain. After the two fell in love and decided to take the big step, they married at the actor’s residence in Mumbai in a very private affair. However, there has been no confirmation of the reports yet.
Weeks ago, there were rife rumours that the actor is planning a wedding with his niece in the upcoming months following a long term relationship. However, the latest report rubbishes such claims and calls them baseless.
On the work front, Prabhu Deva is directing Salman Khan for the upcoming cop-drama, Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai, with Salman in the titular character. He will also be seen as the lead actor in the upcoming Tamil movie, Pon Manickavel, which will also mark his 50th movie in which he plays a cop.
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