Indian actor Prabhas enjoys a great fan following across the globe and he turned 43 on Sunday with celebrations across pan-India. While the actor refrained from celebrating his birthday as he mourns the death of his uncle and veteran actor Krishnam Raju, his fans accidentally burnt down a theatre as they celebrated his birthday bursting crackers.
The unfortunate accident happened in the Tadepalligudem town of West Godavari district, Andra Pradesh, where Prabhas’ movie Billa was re-released on the occasion of his birthday. Displaying overenthusiasm, his fans burst firecrackers during the screening of the movie in Venkatramana theatre which turned into a fire. The seats of the theatre caught fire which spread in no time and created panic among the audience.
Fortunately, there were no casualties and the fire was extinguished by the theatre employees with their quick action. However, no action was taken so far against the mismanagement which led to the potential disaster.
On the other hand, the makers of Prabhas’ upcoming science fiction movie, Project K, released a motion poster on the actor’s birthday. The makers gave a glimpse of the film by sharing the poster of a robotic hand with the tagline ‘Heroes are not born, they rise’.
Helmed by Nag Ashwin, Project K brings together Prabhas and Deepika Padukone for the first time on the silver screen. The sci-fi thriller is a Pan India film and is expected to hit the big screens next year.
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