Prabhas and Deepika Padukone are coming together for the first time for Nag Ashwin’s directorial tentatively titled ‘Project K’ and the movie is getting bigger and better with each development. According to the latest update, the makers have allotted a whopping Rs 400 crore as a budget for the project making it more than double the budget of Baahubali.
According to a report published by the entertainment portal Bollywood Hungama, Prabhas and Deepika’s upcoming movie will be made on a massive scale with a gigantic budget. Along with the leading pair, the yet-to-be-titled movie will also feature Amitabh Bachchan in a key role.
Prabhas has reportedly given 200 days of his dates to Nag Ashwin’s epic drama while Deepika and Senior Bachchan have also agreed to give major dates for the movie. With the working title Project K, the movie went on the floors recently in Hyderabad on the occasion of Guru Purnima.
Helmed by Nag Ashwin, Project K is being bankrolled by production house Vyjayanthi Movies and is expected to release in the last quarter of 2022.
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