Paresh Rawal, renowned for his role as Baburao Ganpatrao Apte in the iconic Hera Pheri franchise, recently unveiled exciting details about the upcoming Hera Pheri 3. In a recent interview, Rawal shared key information about the shooting schedule and the expected release date for the highly anticipated third instalment of Hera Pheri.
According to Rawal, Hera Pheri 3 is set to hit the screens towards the end of 2024, with the shoot scheduled to commence next year. Rawal also teased that Welcome 3‘s shoot is gearing up to start by the end of this year, anticipating a release in May or June. The actor’s revelations have sparked anticipation among fans eagerly awaiting the return of the beloved characters from these iconic films.
In the same interview, Rawal shared his perspective on awards and reaction to being overlooked during award seasons. He expressed a lack of curiosity or passion for awards, emphasizing that genuine appreciation from knowledgeable individuals is the true reward for his work. Rawal’s viewpoint reflects a shift in the significance of awards, emphasizing the value of audience appreciation over formal accolades.
Paresh Rawal’s revelations offer a sneak peek into the promising future of the Hera Pheri franchise, highlighting his dedication to projects that resonate with audiences. As he gears up for the shooting schedules of these highly anticipated films, fans can anticipate a cinematic delight with the return of their cherished characters.
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