Recently, the prestigious 92nd Academy Awards were held in the Dolby Theatre of California and the South Korean mystery drama, Parasite, won multiple Oscar awards. While the entire globe is talking about the movie, Tamil filmmaker PL Thenappan claimed that Parasite took inspiration from his romantic comedy, Minsara Kanna.
Minsara Kanna is a Tamil-language romantic comedy-drama which stars Vijay, Rambha, Monica Castelino, and Khushbu among others in the prominent characters. While the Tamil movie was released in 1999, producer PL Thenappan claims that the foreign movie is adapted from his movie. Although many laughed off his claims, the filmmaker is about to file a lawsuit against the South Korean filmmaker for copyright violation.
“On Monday or Tuesday, I will be filing a case with help from an international lawyer. They have taken the plot from my film. When they find out that some of our films have been inspired by their films, they file cases. Similarly, it is only fair for us to do the same,” PL Thenappan said while addressing a media portal. While the premise is similar in both the movies, the characters and their respective motives are completely on different paths.
On the other hand, director of Minsara Kanna, K. S. Ravikumar expressed his excitement that ‘his story’ has received international appreciation and said that filing a lawsuit is completely up to PL Thenappan.
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